How to Prepare Your Kids for Back-to-School After a Year at Home
It’s back to school season and my kiddos are SO excited to get back in the classroom this year. As a mama I want what’s best for my kiddos so I’m sharing a new vitamin I’m really excited about and other ways we’re preparing for back to school after a year at home.

Simple & Healthy Ways to Pack Your Kid’s Lunch
Back to school! I can’t believe how fast this summer went and full of so many adventures, challenges and exciting changes! School can get pretty hectic with all our different schedules and after-school activities. Both Adi and I are in FULL hustle mode with our businesses and we still have a brand new house to fill up and make cozy and dreamy. During these often chaotic but fun times, I make nutrition a priority for all of us because it keeps us energized and happy all day long.

Introducing Foods into Your Babe’s Diet
There’s so much magic in rediscovering life with your little one. Opening them up to the limitless experiences this world has to offer and what it means to live a life of bliss, balance, health and full of love. Every sensation, every experience is open for them—all you need to do as parents is guide them.

How I Navigate the Entertainment Biz With My Kids
I’ve been asked by so many of you for tips & tricks for getting your kiddos in the industry, so here’s my attempt! Please, please remember that this is my advice and my experience in LOS ANGELES. You can take it and leave a lot of it too, depending on which city you live in and depending on the needs of you and your family.

How To Do It All
Multiple times a day I’m asked, “How do you do it all?!” and as a mama of 3, an entrepreneur, wife, sister, friend, yoga teacher and wellness advocate—the truth is, I don’t. My loving Philosophie community, I will tell you anything about everything because I WANT to share the things that bring me joy, sanity and peace. So that you can live a life you deserve, too.

Conscious Gift Ideas for Kids
As a mindful parent, the holiday season can be especially tough to stay present with your kiddos and show them how to live with intention because all there is are GIFTS. From letters to Santa, sales, shopping lists, ads and so much more - gifts are on the mind!