The Secret to My Up-Level | Manifestation with Sophie

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We build the life of our dreams by BELIEVING we are meant for it. I talk a lot about MANIFESTATION and when I asked what you wanted to hear more about this month so many of you want to know HOW I created my life. Let me reveal all my secrets to you.

It starts with knowing you and this life are limitless. There isn’t one way to manifest, it’s something that’s personal and real to YOU and your own innate powers. Everyone has the ability and the limitless potential to manifest the life of their dreams. For myself, it all begins with flexing my trust muscle which can feel impossible at times. I truly believe you need to work on your trust muscle and mental (or physical) blocks first. Then it’s getting crystal clear on what it is you want to create, writing it down, speaking it out loud, and then figuring out the “work” you need to do to get there.


It’s a matter of visualizing your highest self, or the thing you want, and how you will FEEL as that version of her/him. Once you can see that version of who you want to be/WILL BE, start showing up as her/him. Now, tomorrow and every day until it just bleeds into who you become.

I handpicked everything in my life simply by co-creating with the universe. By letting go. By trusting and surrendering and elevating my own energy into what I deserve. To become a match for my desires. Manifestation does NOT work from a place of lack, fear, or scarcity. You have to put in the work. Like attracts like. We can only manifest the qualities we admire that we also possess. If you want an abundant and successful career, a strong and healthy body, a kind and loving partner then you must embody the qualities of these things in yourself. When you discover the passion, fire, and beauty within yourself then the whole world opens up for you. It starts with you. It’s ALL connected.

What’s my story?

When I was a little girl I realized I have this secret power. I was moved from house to house with my single mama and had to leave my friends over and over as we moved to different towns. I realized that I could be sad my dad wasn’t around, I could be sad I had to leave all my friends or I could CHOOSE to reframe my thoughts and see the beauty in the unknown and the adventure. I wanted to be happy so I decided to be happy (even though things were chaotic AF). Our mindset is so much of our reality isn’t it? 

When I was a personal trainer in my early 20’s I helped people lose weight. I helped them to visualize their goals, their next best version of themselves, and once we really could get to that place I encouraged them to MOVE from that energy. To walk across the room with that lighter version of themselves. To carry themselves as that energy. 


About a year after we had Noa I started manifesting our dream home. We began looking on the East Coast because of the crazy marketing in LA. We saw 20 houses in NC, and although they were beautiful, it wasn't for us. Not at this point in our lives. We came home and said, we are doing this. We are staying in our city we love so much and finding the house of our dreams, even if it takes a long time. We were rejected SO many times from being pre-approved for a home, we thought there was never going to be a house exactly as we needed it for our family, that we wouldn't be able to afford it. But it happened. We founded our perfect home through so much hard work and most importantly, never giving up.

I’ve had the honor of being a mama to two boys and our baby girl. For 5 years I dreamt of a little girl. She showed up in my dreams at night and I felt her spirit strongly constantly. There was something I strongly felt for this little girl - a healing energy. Before that, I wasn’t sure if I could handle having a daughter because of my own mother wound. Then I did the work. I showed up to my relationship with her and *mostly* to and for myself. I spoke my intentions into reality. I created a dream scenario, moving meditation that entailed waking up in my bedroom to the sound of our baby girl's coo from the basket beside the bed and envisioning her with me every step of the day. Then on June 5, 2018 Noa was born.


What is manifestation really about?

To be completely clear, mindset is only a piece of the manifesting puzzle. It’s a combo of mindset and believing you are deserving of it - like really in your gut, flexing your trust muscle, living in an abundant mindset vs. scarcity mindset, and stretching your mind to really envision it but also clearing the energetic or physical blocks and HARD WORK. 

It’s doing the hard work to heal anything holding you back from your manifestation whether that looks like moving through trauma, forgiveness and surrender. It’s doing the work to live in love versus living in fear. It’s never accepting "no" as an answer. There's ALWAYS another way. The timing may not be right, and that may be why you're getting "no" signals. 


Nothing is impossible. Keep dreaming. Keep manifesting. Keep showing up even when you get knocked down. The universe always has your back

Use this manifestation affirmations in your daily practices:

  • I can manifest anything I set my intentions + focus on. 

  • I am not afraid to dream BIG

  • I am limitless

  • I am letting magic unfold that’s already in store for me 

Some journal prompts to inspire you:

  1. What are my limiting beliefs? What is a story I tell myself that I’m really bad at or can’t accomplish/do? 

  2. When was the last time I DIDN’T speak my truth?  What did that feel like in my body? Where was that feeling located in my body?

  3. When was the last time I DID speak my truth? What did that feel like in my body? Where was that feeling located in my body?

  4. How can I stretch myself?

  5. How can I stay curious and open?

  6. Picture life 5 years from now. Get super detailed. What are you doing? Who are you with? What are you wearing?


We must also allow the uncomfortable feelings of expansion and practice this daily. Speaking our truth in small moments and big moments, owning exactly as you are while holding space and a clear VISION for who we will become. Part of the vision of who we will become is having people in your life already exuding that beauty, light, power, confidence and self. 

What are you currently visualizing right here and now? Share below and lets work together to show up as that next best version of YOU!


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