Rituals for Grounding, Energy and Nourishment

Sophie Jaffe Self Care

The past couple of years have been incredibly transformative in so many ways but I also found myself in mama bear survival mode trying to keep our home safe and sane for all my kiddos while running multiple businesses. Having kids home 24/7 plus more work than ever (grateful for this!) didn’t allow for any space to process and fulfill MY needs.

My solo time is where I process and FEEL. It’s where I integrate all the lessons and gifts of this life. This year I am committing to a concentrated effort of taking time for myself, every single day. I feel the difference in my anxiety and stress levels and want to continue this practice. There’s no excuse in my life I can possibly create to NOT allow this daily.

It’s never an easy journey and sometimes it feels as if the house has literally flipped upside down but you raise happy, healthy and independent kids if you are as well. If mama’s happy, kids are happy.

You can’t fill from an empty cup.

I’m sharing my FAVORITE RITUALS for whatever you NEED in the moment whether its more grounding, energy, and nourishment. We all forget who we are and how extremely strong and powerful we are. It’s important to keep coming back and prioritizing creating more love and space in your life.

4 rituals for when you need more GROUNDING


Yoga allows us to bring it ALL to the mat and greet every part of our bodies and true self. To feel all our power and ignite it. Try this pose to get out of your head and back into your body. 

Try this heart-opening yoga pose:

1) Lie flat on your stomach on the floor. Stretch your legs back, with the tops of your feet on the floor. Bend your elbows and spread your palms on the floor beside your waist so that your forearms are perpendicular to the floor.

2) Inhale and press your inner hands firmly into the floor and slightly back, as if you were trying to push yourself forward along the floor. Then straighten your arms and simultaneously lift your torso up and your legs a few inches off the floor on an inhalation.

3) Firm the shoulder blades against the back and puff the side ribs forward. Avoid pushing the front ribs forward, which only hardens the lower back. Look straight ahead or tip the head back slightly, but take care not to compress the back of the neck and harden the throat.

4) Urdhva Mukha Svanasana is one of the positions in the traditional Sun Salutation sequence. You can also practice this pose individually, holding it anywhere from 15 to 30 seconds, breathing easily. Release back to the floor or lift into Adho Mukha Svanasana (downward-facing dog) with an exhalation.

You can explore my YouTube Channel for yoga practices like this Get Out Of Your Head Yoga Flow.


Eat grounding, high-vibe foods that activate your root chakra like this superfood beet smoothie! Superfoods are excellent sources of nutrients and restore balance to your body. Superfoods like maca have exceptional antioxidant and immunity-boosting properties due to its high levels of vitamins E and C and also contain vitamins B1, B2, and B12, which are known to aid digestion, promote blood health, and increase energy and focus. It’s known to balance hormones, support your mood, energy, stress and stamina. 

Each of my three OG Philosophie superfood blends - Berry Bliss, Cacao Magic, and Green Dream - has its own unique combination of healing superfoods, but one ingredient that they all have in common is organic Maca root. 


I’m a double Earth sign and THRIVE being in nature. It heals me. Whether it’s a 10-minute backyard yoga flow, a hike up in the trails around my city, beach days with my family, or traveling to witness the full beauty of Mother Earth I get outside at least once a day. There’s something about the simplicity and beauty of the natural world that reminds us that our ultimate purpose in life is to simply be the best us we can be. Your energy can change so much the second you connect with the elements.


Writing can be a powerful way to release your daily worries and clear your mind. Writing your stresses, worries or concerns physically on paper can be a mental tool to clear up your headspace and take the weight off your shoulders. Check out this blog post for tips on journaling. Currently loving Magic of I. journals for all my writing and they have beautiful planners!

5 rituals for when you need more ENERGY


The past couple of years have brought so many beautiful, treasured moments with my children. We were home together and while there were so many (SO MANY) moments that were tough balancing work, mom life and home life I found a love in embracing presence with my kids. How to embrace moments with them? I get silly. We dance in the living room. We play make-believe or create obstacle courses in the backyard. We tell stories, create art or yoga play. Simple as BE-ing.


I like to get upside down whenever I need to shake up my energy or change my perspective. When I’m feeling down I’ll often go into a little handstand and feel SO much better. You can start small with Downward Facing Dog, Forward Fold, or a Shoulder Stand. You can also relax with your legs up on the wall.


I can’t start my day without a superfood coffee and find that starting my day with superfood coffee, some alone time to drop in, and movement of some kind is absolutely CRUCIAL for my sanity. I’ve been adding my Philosophie Cacao Magic Superfood + Protein Blend to my coffee for years now with our Coconut Magic Coconut Butter and coffee for a balanced energized hit. For the recipe, check it out here.


Put on your favorite feel-good music. One that gets you into your body and dance! If you don’t feel comfortable dancing you can start by shaking out your hands, arms, legs then your whole body and soon you’ll find you’re dancing. Invite in your kiddos, partner, furry friend or dance by yourself. Really LET GO and go all out. No one is watching. This is for you!

I have a ton of feel-good playlists on my Spotify!


Drink your water! Our lives can be so full, chaotic, and beautiful that sometimes stress, fear, worry or anxiety arises because we aren’t caring for our physical needs. A big glass of cold water can be SO healing. I love mine with a little bit of sunshine. What about you?

5 rituals for when you need more NOURISHMENT


With all that’s going on in the world having a breathwork practice to still the mind and ease your stress is absolutely imperative. We rely on our bodies and our breath to keep us grounded and centered. The moments when you go really IN are when you focus on what’s going on underneath the surface. The best place to start? Your breath and lifeforce energy. 

Try this exercise: Take a DEEP BREATH in through your nose and fill up your whole body. Exhale through your mouth and release any stuck or stressed energy. Place one hand on your heart and one hand on your belly then repeat. Take another deep breath in through your nose - the biggest one you’ve taken all day - and exhale it out with a sigh. Give yourself a hug and repeat as often as you need!


Cooking can be a wonderful way to relieve stress because it can help you focus your attention on something positive and nourishing. Check in with your intuition to make sure you’re actually hungry then absolutely enjoy a meal but make it one full of high vibrational fruits, veggies and superfoods. Baking, in particular, is a great kitchen activity for releasing tension because the unique sensations of working with dough and batters with your hands can get you out of your head and back into your body very quickly. Not sure what to make? Try your hand at some delicious baked goods, like these Gluten-Free Superfood Crescent Moon Cake Cookies with our Coconut Magic.


No joke, I will actually go and hide in my sauna (or in my closet or bathroom) to get some alone time. My infrared sauna sanctuary was the biggest investment in myself and my health, and I’ve never been happier about it. 

I also love to regularly enjoy a bath and whenever I do I like to create a calm environment and light candles, maybe play some soothing music, and prepare my mind + soul. In the bath, I use Philosophie Chrysalis Detox Bath Soak which works to open up your skin and draw out toxins, and sometimes I drop my favorite essential oils for calming aromas. 


I’m really sensitive to my sleep and if I don’t get my average full night’s of sleep it will throw my entire day off or if there are days where I didn’t get enough sleep overnight then I will definitely take a delicious power nap during the day. Your body needs sleep and often when you’re burnt out this can be the reset you need. Drink some chamomile tea with Berry Bee Honey then slip into bed and sleep.


LA Favorites // Self Care, Healing, Movement, Holistic Health


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