Fall Equinox Home Rituals to Bring In Balance & Gratitude


It’s the first day of fall for us here in the Northern Hemisphere with the autumn equinox. This is a time for reflection and refinement. Let the light pour in on this Autumn Equinox!

This year feels so much different and it’s hard to believe we’re welcoming in the cooler months and start to the holiday season. Most of us have been in a quarantine time-warp, so I find it’s even more important to integrate and embrace the passing of time in gentle, grounded ways. Choose today to honor the transition of seasons, the balance of release and renew, and tune into gratitude.

Today’s Equinox brings deep energetic forces. Equinox is the point when the Sun crosses the equator meaning everywhere on Earth, day and night are approximately of equal length. Symbolically, it can be depicted as the point when day meets night, where opposites meet on equal ground, and where we can integrate the duality within the oneness of existence. We have been taught to honor these planetary shifts as important reflections of life. Is there any better way to celebrate this important transition than to create a magical shift of balance and gratitude in our own lives? 

No matter where you are, we are connected by our human existence and our experience of living together on this planet. Let’s call out to our connection to our sacred Earth. We are ruled by the changing of seasons and the movements of Earth whether you live in a city, in the desert, suburbs or woods. In honoring the moments of change and tuning in to Earth’s guidance, we acknowledge our connection to the movement of life itself. 

Together we can ride the rush of the new energy of the fall equinox to renew, reset, and rewrite the story of our lives. Here are 4 rituals you can do to bring in the changing season with balance + gratitude:


Space cleansing in your home. Maintaining a welcoming, soothing environment at home is so crucial when bringing in different energy into your home. Gathering beautiful candles and items from the four elements of nature, like wood (earth), feathers (wind), Chrysalis Water (water—mist this in the air to reset moods and energy in the room) and your favorite smudging tool (fire) is an immediate way to cultivate balance and positivity in your home. The changing of seasons is also the perfect time to refresh your space with small decor changes throughout your home. 

Take time for balance and reflection. Set aside time to yourself without any distractions and reflect on gratitude in your life but also what might be out of balance and how you can make those lifestyle shifts. You can use the following prompts as guide or if you’re more visual, you can draw a pic of scales and write out or draw the things that feel in balance or out of balance. 

Journal Prompts: 

  1. In the last few months, have changes have happened that you want to keep in your life?

  1. What is currently present in your life that wish was more in alignment or flowed more abundantly?

  1. What have you been working on that has not yet manifested in your life? How can you make a change whether in your mindset or your work to have it show up for you?

  1. What are you ready to call into your life and begin the work on?


Find seasonal nourishment. During this transitional astrological period in which the energy of the seasons shift, it’s especially important to listen to your body and give yourself love, care, and nourishment. There are tons of seasonal vegetables available right now from an abundance of pumpkins and delicious root vegetables. Try out new recipes and honor this period with a full mind-body reset.

Take a walk in nature. Spend time outside and reflect on how the trees are shift, the air is turning crisper and days are cooler. Connect to the movement of Earth and really feel your feet on the ground and find clarity.


Infuse the spirit of the season in your home. Make a delicious Philosophie pumpkin spice latte using our seasonal Fall Vibes blend or these pumpkin muffins and let the autumns spice light up your home. Join me for an intuitive yoga practice on Sunday honoring the shift from summer to fall.


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