Do The Work // Anti racism resources

It’s time to roll up our sleeves, people. Somehow, SIXTY years after the civil rights movement we STILL have a racism issue. We STILL have an IGNORANCE issue.

This will be an ongoing list of the things you can do TODAY. Here are some ideas to help you get started: share, share, share, educate yourself, educate someone else, help, help, help, stand on front lines, end a vicious cycle, do the right thing, share a story, lift someone who’s suffering, donate to causes that support, sign a petition, learn to recognize + understand your own privilege & teach your children, look at your own biases & consider where they originated, find out how your company or school works to expand opportunities for minorities, list goes on.... let’s hear yours!

“Civil rights didn’t change anything. We are all racist inside. It’s a sickness our European ancestors took on for access to property. It’s ingrained in America. It’s important to grieve this.”


The following is from this article in Harper’s Bazaar:


  • Floyd's brother, Philonise Floyd, has started a GoFundMe to assist his family in their time of grief and need. DONATE HERE

  • The Minnesota Freedom Fund, a grassroots organization currently working with the National Lawyers Guild and the Legal Rights Center, will use donations to bail out arrested protestors and to supply those on the field. DONATE HERE

  • Reclaim the Block, a grassroots organization based in Minneapolis, will use funds to address community needs. DONATE HERE

  • Black Visions Collective, which is based in Minnesota, focuses its work on transformative justice in the state. DONATE HERE

  • North Star Health Collective is a group of street medics, radical health organizers, and community health trainers based in Minneapolis and St. Paul, and will use funds for gear and medical supplies on the field. DONATE HERE

  • Organizers in Louisville, Kentucky–the city that Breonna Taylor lived in–have created a community bail fund for protestors. DONATE HERE


  • Contact Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey to demand justice. You can also call his office at 612-673-2100. REACH OUT HERE

  • Demand County Attorney Mike Freeman charge the officers with murder by calling him at 612-348-5550.


  • Color of Change's petition demands that Frey block the involved officers from receiving their pensions and ban them from being able to become police officers again, as well as demands that Freeman charge the officers with murder. You can also text "FLOYD" to 55156 to sign the petition. SIGN THE PETITION HERE

  • Another petition posted on is also trying to get the attention of Frey and Freeman. It currently has more than two million signatures and is aiming for at least three million. SIGN THE PETITION HERE

Text FLOYD to 55156 for George

Text ENOUGH to 55156 for Breanna

Text JUSTICE to 55156 for Ahmaud

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