Cutting Cords Energetically to Align with Your Highest Self


We’re spiritual beings. We share energy on a daily basis with humans, places and things. Most of the time they bring in positivity, joy and love into our lives but there are times when they create low vibrational energy. By sharing energy we create attachments or energy cords to relationships and things that either serve our highest good or block our growth. Like a mother’s bond to a child or a passionate bond to a lover, energy cords are made up of mutual sharing, trust and love. As we are always in a state of growth, bonds have the potential to shift or transform as time comes and goes. It’s our CHOICE to decide when energy shared enhances your life or restricts it. Then you can decide how to move forward from there. 

There are certain people and things you effortlessly align with and keep coming home to over and over and over again. Trust their love for you. Trust the joy they bring you. Anyone who you can pick up exactly where you left off and get DEEP into it—those are your people. Hold them close. 

Decide now to choose YOU. Your joy and happiness. Nobody or nothing can rob you of your joy. Did you know that? If you feel the energy cord inhibiting you from living a life you’re meant to experience, let go. Create more space. More music. More baths. More nature. More breaths. More fun. More nourishment. Cut cords energetically for more love and gratitude to seep in. 


What are some signs of unwanted energy cords?

  • Obsessive thoughts or behaviors around a person or thing

  • Negative self-talk or feelings with that relationship

  • Feeling drained with a person or a thing

  • You don’t feel like your true self around that person or with that thing

  • You hold onto to the hurt or pain in a low vibrational way

  • The relationship makes you physically anxious, tired or sick

The same way we can energetically attach to people, places or things, we can also physically attach. It’s our choice and birthright to cut any forms of an unhealthy attachment. Through connecting to your intuition and maintaining nourishing self-care rituals and practices you’ll recognize where energy cords are strengthening or depleting you.

The best thing you can do is let go of feeding that person, place, trauma or hurt your energy through thought or emotion. Forgive them, forgive yourself and LET GO.


A ritual for energetic cord-cutting

Find a quiet place and light some candles then clear away negative energy with Palo Santo (available here). Close your eyes and focus on your breathing. Then perform this visualization exercise:

Picture a thick cord coming from the center of your body, traveling deep into the earth and tying you safely to the core. Grounding you and protecting you.

Now imagine the person, place or thing you wish to let go.

Visualize a physical cord with this relationship and imagine cutting it. Tell this person, place or thing that you love them and are grateful for them but will no longer be tied to them. 

Remove the cords.

Visualize the cord you tied to the earth coming back to your center. 

Bring your awareness back to reality and move your body (try a quick yoga flow or delicious stretch).


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